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Work together, study together

The teaching process is as far as I see it not a one-side process, but a rather a mutual one. On one side there is a direct connection via "lectures" from lecturer to the students, which is practised extensively on the ETH, but I believe there is also strong connection in the opposite direction; from students to lecturer. Therefore my suggestion is to strengthen or combine learning process for both. I propose creating a "study group" either as a specific subject, or an addition hour in the subject. In this study group there would be professor(s) and students mixed up and they would have to work on a presentation of a specific topic or pour through the recent views of a topic presented on the lectures. I believe that from this kind of work MSc and PhD students would benefit greatly; see the logic of the professors, creative thinking, and approach to a problem... Another interesting aspect would be for professors/assistants who would see the logic and learning process of their students, also they could be shown how they younger followers deal with technology, new programs etc.

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