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Team work and Teaching enthusiasm

Teamwork: For every lecture course I would recommend to create groups of students (3-5 students for each group, one  may be the leader) for group discussion of the material given in the previous lecture. This not only makes the learning process more fun and efficient, but also it makes students to get used to team work. Of course, joining these groups should be optional and much more students will participate if it will be a part of the ETH study organization, like exercise classes, not just organized by volunteer students. Even more efficient, each student can have his/her part of the material to explain during the discussion. The registration for the groups can be done online according to convenient time for each student.
Teaching enthusiasm: At the beginning of every lecture class I think, if the lecturer starts the lecture with a short story concerning him/her, the material to be thought, about the inventor, scientist, interesting news…, it will enlighten the mood, create a state of mind, when information flow afterwards is more efficient; during lecture add more enthusiasm, instead of monotonic presentation of the material mostly.

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